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NCCP Competition Stream Courses

At this time, Gymnastics Ontario is taking a very a very cautious approach in our return to NCCP training. Foundations courses are the only in-gym courses that will be available to coaches until further notice, which means no Completion Stream courses or Level 2/3 courses.

GO will not be hosting any courses that involve spotting or the use of demonstrators until we have permission to resume training from the National Sport Organization and the Government of Ontario. 

Our management team is working to establish a plan for the NCCP comp coach training to move forward in each discipline. The Competition Stream courses are heavily focused on spotting and do not comply with social distancing measures.   

See below for a breakdown of spotting that is permissible with the current Ontario Regulations. This wording is identical for Regions in Green (Prevent), Yellow (Protect), Orange (Restrict) and Red (Control) as per Ontario Regulation 263/20 and Ontario Regulation 364/20.

  • In-person Teaching and Instruction: 5. (1) 1. “The instructional space must be operated to enable students to maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from every other person in the instructional space, except where necessary for teaching and instruction that cannot be effectively provided if physical distancing is maintained."

    • Limited spotting will be permitted for Recreational and Competitive Programs with some guidelines. By limited I mean where absolutely necessary at this time, in most instances progressions and basics are still only required especially in the Recreational Programs. Please use your best judgement to determine if a spot is absolutely necessary at this time.
    • A face covering is required when spotting that is to be worn by the coach. I strongly suggest that you acquire a mask that is snug to your face to ensure that a mask can be worn when spotting.
    • A mask must be worn when a coach is manipulating an athlete’s body alignment and/or positions when the athlete is in a static, or relatively static position. For example, a kick to handstand, or body position hold, and etc. Verbal cues should be your first option to ensure physical distancing can be maintained.
    • The coach and the athlete should both ensure their hands have been properly washed and/or sanitized before and after a skill is spotted as another preventative measure.

Again, spotting should be used sparingly. To be transparent, Gymnastics Ontario does not give clubs permission to actively promote spotting in their programs until further notice.

This may involve altering the courses to remove the spotting components until it is safe to deliver the remaining modules that include the use of demonstrators. These protocols are in place, regardless of the region. All provinces are following the same safety measures and protocols, as social distancing mandates are still in place for all of Ontario.

Your patience while we work to navigate these uncertain times is greatly appreciated.

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How to register individual participants?
How do waitlists works?
Where do I find my NCCP number? 


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