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WAG Tour 2025
Houston, Texas
January 30-February 2, 2025
Team Ontario- - trip and competition information
Bulletin #1 & #2 (GO Event Calendar)
Competition Website: Biles Invitational
Packing List Guideline
Payment and registration must be done by the club through Uplifter. Clubs can login to register and remit payment using the same account that they use to register their participants for GO Memberships.
All athletes team coaches and personal coaches must register.
Deadline: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2024, 12 NOON
Registration includes:
- confirmation of spot via registration in Uplifter
- payment via Uplifter Club Account
- ALL forms (see Forms Section below and/or Ontario Bulletin)
- Music upload
- Pre-Canadians Training Camp Attendance confirmation (January 13 @ Burlington Gymnastics)
- Tracksuit Jacket order (all athletes and coaches are required to have) through Uplifter Products Page (For Team Coaches - clubs need to add the Team Coach registration either before or on the same invoice as the track jacket for the discount to be applied).
Athletes: $1010.75
Registration Fees - $275.00 +HST ($35.75) = $310.75
Trip Costs - $700
*registration fees in Uplifter will only initially show $275 + HST as the registration fee and the Trip Costs will be automatically added to cart as part of the checkout process.
Coaches - $1270.53
*registration fees in Uplifter will only initially show $81 + HST as the registration fee and the Trip Costs will be automatically added to cart as part of the checkout process.
*clubs must send a club coach/manager with their athletes. Coach must be minimum age 25 and minimum Competition 1 Trained for Level 6-8 and Competition 2 Trained for Level 9-10.
All other forms must be scanned and uploaded upon registration in Uplifter. Please upload only one (1) form at a time (ie. DO NOT BUNDLE all the documents in a single PDF). Please save and title each form individually with the athlete/coach's name and form name (ie. Waiver - Susie Stretch).
Clubs are responsible for collecting all of the forms and payments from parents.
Athlete Forms:
- GO Code of Conduct
- GO Medical Data Form
- Travel Consent Form - copy uploaded but must also send ORIGINAL to GO office by mail to travel with the team
- Copy of Passport (must valid within 6 months of return and be able to read text/see photo clearly)
- Copy of Out of Country/Travel Insurance (make sure it includes sport accident/injury coverage)
- Additional Travel Request Form (if applicable)
Coach Forms:
- GO Code of Conduct
- Club Coach/ Manager - Roles and Responsibilities Guidelines
- Police Check (valid within 1 year of competition) (online check option - mybackcheck)
- Copy of Passport (must valid within 6 months of return and be able to read text/see photo clearly)
- Additional Travel Request Form (if applicable)
***REMINDER: Ontario is staying as a team but each club coach(es) are responsible for chaperoning athletes within the delegation on and off the competition floor.
Return flight deviations may be possible but are limited and will be allowed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Clubs can request Travel Deviation form from WPM as needed.
Team Ontario Apparel comes from two different vendors:
Jacket - Gymnastics Ontario
Leotards - Jagwear
Sizing for both are done on-site at Tour Selection. Jackets orders are not taken on-site (need to be completed through club's Uplifter account later) but Jagwear leotard orders are completed on-site. It is recommend the include track jacket order on same same invoice as athlete or coach registration. Apparel fees are not included in the trip costs above.
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***Team Ontario Tracksuits ($65 + HST) Sizing Chart
**Pants are not included. All delegates must wear PLAIN BLACK PANTS. A small brand logo is allowed on the pants; maximum size 1” by 2”.
All members of the Ontario delegation (including personal coaches) are required to wear at training,
on the competition floor and jacket at the airport (travel).
Clubs can purchase tracksuit jackets online here under our Purchase Products Page. This process/purchase is separate from the individual's registration but can be added to the same cart/invoice.
For Team Coaches - clubs need to add the Team Coach registration either before or on the same invoice as the track jacket for the discount to be applied).
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***Leotards -Competition & Training*** (through Jagwear)
Jagwear leotard orders are completed on-site at Tour Selection
Jagwear Order Form *includes prices
There are two Team Ontario Leotards; one training leo and one competition leo.
Both are purchased directly through Jagwear.

YOUTH Sizing Chart
ADULT Sizing Chart
Athlete's Gift (no cost)
Coaches can purchase order and purchase $50 +HST (deadline Thursday, January 16 at 12 noon).
$75.60 CAD per person (coaches and athletes)
Registration and payment below - please complete by Friday, January 24
Waiver Form
Thursday, January 31, 2025 (9am-1pm)
Complete and email signed waiver to wag@gymnasticsontario.ca by Monday, January 27 (12 noon)