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Each club account will be able to generate and download membership reports.


participant Profile

To export a list of all the individual profiles within the club, navigate to:

My Account >> Participants >> CSV Export

TIP! You can use the "Filter Participants By" feature to narrow down your list before exporting the profiles. 



Registered memberships & events

This report provides a list of all participants and all membership & event SKUs they have registered for. It is filterable by season, category, category level, membership & event, or membership & event name.

My Account >> Participants >> CSV "Registered Memberships & Events"



As a club administrator, you have the ability to export a list of invoices in either a summary or detailed view. 



To export a summarized list of invoices, navigate to:

My Account >> Invoices >> CSV Export



To export a detailed list of invoices, navigate to:

My Account >> Invoices >> Detailed Report

A new page will open where you can then use the filters to narrow down the file export OR leave the filters empty to export all the data.

NOTE: When a DISCOUNT is applied to an invoice, it will be summarized in one line. To view the details of the discount (i.e. individual name, amount and membership) make sure to click on the "Include Invoice Item Adjustment Details" filter.

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