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2019-2020 Acro Judges' Workshop - Self Study + in Class
Important Information: ALL current judges who wish to judge ACRO at the invitational and GO official events (Cup1, Cup2, and Ontario Championships) as well as to be eligible to be selected to judge National Championship this season are required to attend the Update Workshop.
NOTE from Judging Chair:
The format for the judge workshop originally scheduled for Nov 9 will be changed to a self study program. The materials and a workbook will be distributed by November 15, 2019. All judges wanting to judge this season will be required to complete and return the workbook by December 4, 2019. We expect that it will take no more than a few hours.
This will be more flexible way for everyone to prepare for the season.
A Difficulty session will be conducted in January or early February, more details will be communicated in December.