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WAG Judges Upgrading


Study Session - Xcel

2 Sessions: 
Monday, May 19
Wednesday, May 21


LIVE Online (Google Classroom)


Study Session - Level 6-9

2 Sessions:
Monday, June 16

Wednesday, June 18


Upgrading EXAM

Compulsory to Xcel &

Xcel to Optional (Level 9)

In Person 

Location TBC

June 22, 2025




Registration requires membership for the 2024-2025 season.

 ****DEADLINE to register is end of day Wednesday, April 16, 2025****


Costs:  $60 + HST
HST # 12212 5131 RT0001
No refunds after registration deadline.


Study Materials are available via Google Classroom starting May 8, 2025.

Google Classroom requires every participant to have an email account.

Access to Google Classroom will be sent via email on May 1 to invite registered individuals to create an account before being able to enroll in the Google Classroom exam. Please remember to check your junk mail if you don't receive an email invite the two weeks prior to the course please contact the Women's Program Manager (


 Upgrading (Compulsory to Xcel)*:

90%‐ on both the written and practical is required to successfully upgrade to an Xcel Level Judge. 

Judges who fail to successfully meet the 90% pass standard will maintain their current Compulsory/Xcel level.


Upgrading (Xcel to Level 9)*:

90%‐ on both the written and practical is required to successfully upgrade to a Level 9 Judge.

Judges who fail to successfully meet the 90% pass standard will maintain their current Compulsory/Xcel level.


 * exam weighting will be 60% practical and 40% written for both


HOW TO REGISTER (both membership and course registration are required):

1) MEMBERSHIP - must be a registered member (judge) of Gymnastics Ontario for the 2024-2025 season.


There are two ways to register for membership, which must be completed prior to or at the same time as the clinic registration:


If you are Affiliated with a Club - you will need to request your club to register you as a judge based on your level (Invitational (Compulsory/Xcel), Provincial (Optional), National, Brevet)


For those who are Unaffiliated/Unattached (NEW)- this process has been updated and Unattached Judges and all 2023-2024 unattached judges will register themselves for the upcoming season. You can use your existing administrator account to do so. Please see the instructions on the new Unattached Judge Page


Any unattached judges not registered as unattached last season (2023-2024) will need to complete the unattached member form found on the Unattached Judge Page. 


Any questions about registering should be directed to the Membership Services Manager, Beth Bowers -


2) UPGRADING (based on level) --> yellow "REGISTER" button below and logging into your account.

Affiliated/Club Account (Club Administrator Account): affiliated judges can be registered for courses/clinics from their club's account. Please contact your club's administrator to register you for these events. 




Unattached (Individual Account): If you are an unattached judge your unattached participant profile has been created through GO using the information you inputted on your Unattached Membership form.  To register for a course/clinic, you will first need to create an account then add your member profile to your account. Please note that the information inputted in search requirement fields must match exactly with the information listed in your existing unattached profile, otherwise you will not be able to find your existing profile.


Here is the help page for finding an existing profile once you create an account so you can link that account to your unattached member profile already in the system: